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Rosstat in social media

Federal State Statistics Service


Main indicators

Investments in non-financial assets
52.5 Kb, 11.08.2018
Fixed capital investments
56 Kb, 11.08.2018
Fixed capital investments by ownership types
69 Kb, 11.08.2018
Fixed capital investments by sources of financing
76.5 Kb, 11.08.2018
Fixed capital investments by economic activity
118.5 Kb, 11.08.2018
Fixed capital investments by fixed assets
68 Kb, 11.08.2018

Methodological guidelines and commentary

Methodological guidelines
52.5 Kb, 11.08.2018

Release dates

Fixed Capital Investments
74 Kb, 11.08.2018
Financial Investments of Organizations by Types
87.5 Kb, 11.08.2018

Graphical presentation

Fixed Capital Investments by Organizations which are not Subjects of Small Business
69 Kb, 11.08.2018
Structure of Financial Investments of Organizations (diagram)
31.5 Kb, 11.08.2018
Investment activity in Russia (video clip; file format WMV)
25.94 Mb, 11.08.2018